In the modern world of diminishing attention spans and instantaneous rewards, getting well-considered and valuable consumer insights can be a challenge. In response, market researchers have borrowed from the world of gaming to make tasks more engaging and fun for participants. This is called gamification and refers to the use of game design elements, such as points, badges, and leaderboards, in non-game contexts to motivate and engage individuals. The use of gamification in market research can provide a number of benefits, including increased participant engagement and higher quality insights.

One of the primary benefits of gamification in market research is increased participant engagement. Market research often involves filling out surveys or participating in focus groups, which can be tedious and boring. However, by incorporating game elements into these activities, researchers can make the process more enjoyable and engaging for participants. For example, participants may earn points for completing certain tasks or be rewarded with badges for reaching certain milestones. This can make the experience more fun and motivating, encouraging participants to take the research seriously and provide more detailed and accurate responses.

Gamification can also help to increase participation rates in market research. By making the experience more enjoyable and engaging, participants are more likely to participate and provide the data that researchers need. In addition, gamification can help to create a sense of community among participants, which can further increase engagement and participation. For example, participants may be able to compete against each other to see who can earn the most points or reach certain milestones. This can create a sense of friendly competition that can further motivate participants to participate in the research. These methods can be particularly useful for longitudinal research and online communities.

Another benefit of gamification in market research is the ability to collect higher quality data. Participants who are more engaged and motivated to participate are more likely to provide more detailed and accurate responses. Additionally, gamification can help to improve the quality of data collection by making it easier for participants to understand and complete tasks. For example, by using game elements to explain complex concepts or tasks, researchers can help to ensure that participants have a clear understanding of what is being asked of them. This can result in more accurate and detailed responses, which can be used to inform business decisions.

Gamification can also help to reduce bias in market research. When participants are more engaged and motivated to participate, they are less likely to be influenced by outside factors such as social desirability bias. This can result in more accurate and representative data, which can be used to inform business decisions.

Gamification is a powerful tool for conducting market research. A recent GRIT report even stated that gamification is one of the top 10 methods to optimise online surveys. By incorporating game design elements into the research process, organisations can increase participant engagement and participation, collect higher quality data, and reduce bias. Even relatively simple forms of gamification, such as using progress bars and drag and drops, can make a positive difference. Additionally, gamification can provide a number of other advantages, such as increased efficiency and a sense of community among participants. Organisations that are looking to conduct market research should consider using gamification as a method for collecting data. In a world faced with constant distractions, getting and holding people's attention can be difficult for market researchers. Gamification can help us gain and maintain participants and gather a deeper understanding of customers needs and wants.
