BARMER DURCHBLICKT! – A prevention programme makes school


Health literacy is one of the most important health resources and in view of increasing digitizalition, digital health literacy is no exception. That's why We are Family and BARMER developed the award-winning prevention program DURCHBLICKT! (which translates roughly as “got it!”) for teachers, students, and parents, which teaches them to find and evaluate digital health information and apply it to their own health. "DURCHBLICKT! - digital into a healthy future" brings digital health literacy into schools, with teaching and learning opportunities that are based on the educational standards of the Standing Conference of the Ministers of Education and Cultural Affairs of the Länder (states) in the Federal Republic of Germany.

Our client

BARMER is one of the largest health insurers in Germany. With low-threshold prevention programs, BARMER works to prevent people from getting sick in the first place. The pandemic has shown how important it is to be able to properly evaluate digital health information and apply it to one's own health. This is where BARMER's prevention program DURCHBLICKT! comes in.


To develop a low-threshold prevention program for students, teachers, and parents that tackles the topic of digital health literacy directly in schools and embeds it in lessons, with the goal of changing the school environment and its structures in the long term and making it healthier.

A laptop with the "Barmer Durchblickt!" website on the screen. On it is the title "Teaching material" with a woman next to it. Next to it is a mobile phone with the "Barmer Durchblickt" app.

Our solution

DURCHBLICKT! – The award-winning digital prevention program for teachers, learners, and parents in brief

For BARMER, We are Family designed and implemented DURCHBLICKT!, a prevention program for digital health literacy. The program aims to become a teaching tool itself: A specially developed digital portal provides target-group-specific teaching, learning, and information for teachers, students, and parents - from ready-to-teach teaching materials and gamification elements for students to digital and interactive information material. And to ensure that BARMER DURCHBLICKT! really reaches schools, we talk about it: Our cross-media activation campaign brings DURCHBLICKT! directly to the target groups. It is a concept that resonates - and not just with the target group: DURCHBLICKT! won the German Brand Award 2023 in the category Excellence in Brand Strategy and Creation - Brand Communication - Storytelling & Content Marketing, the Gold Stevie Award 2023 in the category Marketing Campaign of the Year - Health - Health Education and Awareness, and the Corporate Digital Responsibility Award 2023.

The team (four women) at the "German Brand Award 2023" award ceremony in the category Excellence in Brand Strategy and Creation - Brand Communication - Storytelling & Content Marketing

From teaching materials to advanced training - successful educational communication

Teachers are the most important multipliers in the context of schools, because they bring digital health literacy into the classroom through their teaching. That's why, we continuously develop up-to-date digital information materials, curriculum-compliant ready-to-teach teaching materials, and training opportunities for DURCHBLICKT! in collaboration with educators and teachers, with an award process for participating schools. In addition, schools receive access to the 7Mind@School app for their students and teachers, which contains meditation and mindfulness exercises.

"BARMER Durchblickt" platform on a laptop and tablet. To the right, a group of young people looking curiously into a laptop.

From an internet source checker to gamification - educational communication for students

Gen Alpha and Gen Z are probably the most digitally affine generations to date. That's why we've designed the information on digital health literacy on DURCHBLICKT! for them to include gamification elements: interactive, entertaining, and relevant to everyday life. With this approach, we create points of contact for the topic of digital health literacy in the students' real lives, accompanying and complementing the lessons in school.

From school to family - interactive information for parents

Within the digital platform BARMER DURCHBLICKT!, We are Family has created an interactive information offering for parents as the most important companions of the students. In parent webinars led by educators and experts (from 2023/24) and through a wide range of digital information, parents receive all the information they need about digital health literacy and can thus give optimal support to their children.

For long-term success: Market research

As part of DURCHBLICKT!, studies are being conducted for the first time on the digital health literacy of children and young people, as well as teachers. Based on these studies, we are continuously developing the digital platform in terms of content and concept, taking the organizational development of schools into account, because prevention must involve bringing about structural changes. We have also developed a digital self-assessment tool for schools, which they can use to assess the status of digital health literacy of their school in a nationwide comparison.

BARMER DURCHBLICKT! sets an example - the cross-media activation campaign

We have implemented a cross-media activation campaign to get teachers, students, and parents to know and use DURCHBLICKT! Target group-specific and channel-specific haptic and digital information material was distributed over digital channels, in haptic direct mailings, and in digital and analog media relevant to teachers. A central pillar was the mailing of teacher handouts to around 40,000 teachers and a target group-specific influencer campaign with well-known ambassadors.

Illustration: Noah and his friends accompany school classes through the lessons